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Deghosting of marine streamer data
PSS-Geo approaches

PSS-Geo has proprietary solutions. The first adaptive approach was developed in 2013, and was mostly applied post-stack. Later that year, this approach was tested against an academical solution from the research consortia we are involved with. We came to the conclusion that the use of a true deghosting operator applied for each reflector data in different domains (depending of acquisition geometry) allows to eliminate ghost fully. Application of averaging operators or other than best suited domains, leaves ghost in data partly.

Deghosting modules/codes were written using Seismic UNIX.


PSS-Geo offers services, R&D studies and modules for sales.

Main features

Based upon true Deghosting operators applied to the data. No wavelet or spectral manipulation.

 Both source and receiver deghosting.

•Robust deghosing workflows, and the different solutions can be chosen for different survey/streamer configurations and geological settings.

•Solutions to do deghosting in both FK, Tau-P and XT- domain. For very variable streamer depth we have developed an algorithm working in local Dip-Xt domain

•Faster and more stable than the recursive time-domain implementation in F-time.

•We also have a more stable optimization scheme using “Bootstrap” methodology to optimize the Deghosting parameters. That can be used for any domain-configurations.

•In time domain a robust recursive scheme is implemented for deghosting and ghost prediction.

•Estimation of Ghost delay, and reflection coefficient in sliding windows.

•To compensate for inaccurate/unstable estimations we estimate both the deghosted data and the ”pure” ghost signal. The estimates is combined in a least square inversion scheme to estimate a optimal deghosting.

•Robust processing techniques to deal with low frequency noise and bubble energy boosted in the deghosting process.

•Our method is successfully recovering both the high and low frequencies, also in areas where other companies have difficulties dealing with the low frequencies (Barents Sea).

•Use of estimated receiver delay times for static corrections.

The deghosting process can be done at any processing stage, although preferably after noise reduction. For data with small variations in receiver depths, we have successfully done deghosting also after migration/stack. The results are comparable to proper pre-stack/pre-mig deghosting.


Processing approach:

Inversion deghosting operator

Wavelet extraction methods

Combined Inversion / wavelet extraction


Deghosting theory learn more


Acquisition approach:






Anchor 1

Examples of Deghosting algorithms work for different configuration and domains

PSS-Geo approaches




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