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2024         Method for Spatial First Break Picking using Neural Network, QC Editing and Smoothing

                    Rune Øverås, Vita Kalashnikova, Andrei Voronin, Nodir Mukhutdinov (Yangi Kon). Extended Abstract.

                  12th Geophysical Congress, BGS, May, 27-31, 2024.

                Lithology and fluid prediction using AI algorithms around the Shrek area in the Norwegian Sea.

                     Vita Kalashnikova, Elena Karaseva, Rune Øverås, Vlad Sopivnik (Lime Petroleum). Extended Abstract.

                   12th Geophysical Congress, BGS, May, 27-31, 2024.

                Application of CRS technique to poor quality of seismic signal data

                    Rune Øverås, Vita Kalashnikova, Andrei Voronin, Nodir Mukhutdinov (Yangi Kon). Extended Abstract.

                  12th Geophysical Congress, BGS, May, 27-31, 2024.

2023         Non-regression pre-stack AI-based seismic inversion algorithm

                    Rune Øverås, Vita Kalashnikova and Barbara Eva Klein. Abstract. IAMG2023, Trondheim, Norway, August 05-12. 

2022          Method of seismic inversion using artificial kinematic constraints. (Rune Inversion) 

                   Øverås, Rune, Kalashnikova, Vita. Patent. NIPO 20210133

                   Digital Exploring with Artificial intelligence from the start to the end. Cloud-based “cooking”.

                    V. Kalashnikova, M. Izergin, R. Øverås, V. Sopivnik. Abstract, DIGEx Conference, Stavanger, April 2022.

                  Common steps - uncommon result. Tips for high-res site survey processing.

                     Marcin Kaluza, Erling Rykkelid (AkerBP), Rune Øverås. GEO365, 2022.  

2021           Application of machine learning algorithms for fluid type prediction based on seismic data.

E. Karaseva and V. Kalashnikova. EAGE 2021. Extended Abstract of Papers, 82th Conference and Exhibition.


                   Determination of faults and capsrocks permeability by evaluating the attenuation factor of seismic                                          signals. Theory.

V. Kalashnikova & T. Sharafutdinov. 2021. Part 1. Theory (308). Karotazhnik (in rus).                 


                   Determination of faults and capsrocks permeability by evaluating the attenuation factor of seismic                                          signals. Application.

V. Kalashnikova & T. Sharafutdinov. 2021. Part 2. Application (309) Karotazhnik (in rus).

                   Fluid prediction from seismic data using different machine learning methods. 

V. Kalashnikova, E. Karaseva, R. Øverås, T.R. Sharafutdinov. 2021. 7th EAGE Conference   Tumen'  Extended Abstract (in rus). DOI:

                   Practical methods of dehosting and the history of their application over the past 10 years. 

 V. Kalashnikova, R. Øverås, T.R. Sharafutdinov, A.Z. Nedostupov, V.V. Lancev. 2021. 7th EAGE Conference   Tumen'  Extended Abstract (in rus).

                  Artificial Intelligent Based Post-Stack Inversion Implementation for Reservoir Prediction on Regional/Local Levels

                  on Example of Mega Seismic Data Cube in Norwegian Sea

 V. Kalashnikova, R. Øverås, T.R. Sharafutdinov, G.R. Vahitova. 2021. 7th EAGE Conference   Tumen'  Extended Abstract (in rus). DOI:


2020           High-resolution seismic velocity field estimation techniques and their application to geohazard, lithology and                         porosity prediction.

V. Kalashnikova, I. Meisingset, R. Øverås and D. Krasova. 2020. Near Surface Geophysics.

                   Application of post-stack Rune Inversion for  reservoir rock properties estimation in comparison with                                       conventional seismic attribute analysis: a case study from the Paleocene formation, Middle Indus basin,                                 onshore Pakistan

Muhammad Zahid Afzal Durrani, Maryam Talib, Vita Kalashnikova, Musharaf Sajjad, Rune Øverås, Carl      Fredrik Gyllenhammar, Bakhtawar Sarosh and Syed Atif Rahman, First Break V.38, 2020 July


2018           Seismic Absorption estimation for Reservoir Prediction using Prony Decomposition. 

V. Kalashnikova, R. Øverås. EAGE 2018. (ThA1113). Extended Abstract of Papers, 79th Conference and Exhibition.

                   Potential of Prony and Phase Decompositions for Reservoir Prediction.

Vita V. Kalashnikova, Rune Øverås, Arif Butt and Stéphanie Guidard. Extended Abstract GeoConvention2018.

                   Decomposition for Sealing and Leaking fault analysis.

Vita V. Kalashnikova, Arif Butt and Stéphanie Guidard. Extended Abstract GeoConvention2018

                   High Resolution Velocity Attribute for Reservoirs, Lithology and Pore Pressure Prediction.

Vita V. Kalashnikova, Rune Øverås, Ivar Meisingset, Daria Krasova and Arif Butt. Extended Abstract GeoConvention2018.

                    Construction Technique Of High Resolution Velocity Field - New Attribute For Seismic Interpretation. 

R. Øverås, V. Kalashnikova, S.Guidard and I. Meisingset. Extended Abstract PESGB and EAGE First Velocity Workshop. (ThAI01). 2018.

2015           Seismic Processing Deghosting. Seismic Profile.

R.Øverås, V.Kalashnikova pp.26-28, 2015-07

        Seismic Data Attributes - a new look at the old techniques. 

Kalashnikova V., Muzi J.,2015. The First, May, p28-31.

                  Depth migration model building and model verification sequence, by Juri Muzi 2015. Internal.

                  Depth migration model building and model verification sequence.

The First, SPE Norway,  R. MacKinnon, J.Muzi and V.Kalashnikova, 2015.


                  Seismic Data Attributes PSS-Geo Manual 2015 by V.Kalashnikova. Internal.

2013           First Break 2013, Data Adaptive Ghostbuster 

                  All Seismic Processing Deghosting techniques. 2013 R.Øverås, V.Kalashnikova. Internal. (Presented at SEG                           Oslo in Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Feb, 2014)

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